Can silicone go in the oven?

Are you confused on which type of cookware to meet your needs? You have researched and you know there are lots of alternative. Are you thinking should I go for stainless steel, metal, perhaps silicone? All these materials are great but one stands out, Silicone cookware.Can silicone go in the oven?

Choosing your cookware extends beyond lustre and class. For one, the materials ability to withstand high temperature is an important factor. Then, its lifespan. For many years, carbon steel, stainless steel and cast iron are used to make cookware.

Over two decades ago, silicone cookware was introduced and since then it has become trendy among home cooks. These silicone cook wares are in different sizes, colors and shapes which makes it easier to customize your dishes.

 However, it is continuously argued whether silicone cookware is safe with food? This argument was justified by FDA in 1979 that silicone is safe with food.

In this article, we are considering another argument, can silicone go in the oven? And if so, how what is the maximum temperature it can withstand? Most importantly can silicone go in the oven without leaching into my food? What are the benefits and cons of silicone cookware and bakeware?

Furthermore, silicone has been test to pose no threats to human and also proven to be stable under different temperature conditions. Home-cooks and bakers still doubt its ability to stand hot temperatures without being toxic, Perhaps you are one of them? A great news is you are not alone.

We know managing an eco-friendly kitchen can be stressful at times. One moment you are trying to save energy, cost while opting for a non-toxic material. Emphasizing, in this article you’ll find clarity on silicone cookware ability to withstand high temperature.

What is Silicone?

Silicone is a substance made by the chemical reaction of silicon, oxygen, and other elements like carbon and hydrogen. They appear just like the natural rubber but they are stronger and can stand high temperatures than rubber. Silicone has a lot of benefits which include:

  1. They do not stick to materials
  2. Ability to withstand extreme temperatures( up to 250 degrees Celsius)
  3. Very flexible materials
  4. Easy to clean
  5. They last for a very long time, save space and resist stains

Silicone is used across a lot of industry. For instance, it is used as implants in medicine, sealants in construction, used for automobile and aircraft parts in transportation and used in manufacturing common cookware such as spatula.

What is Silicone Cookware?

In simple term, they are cooking materials made with silicone. Mind you, we say silicone and not silicon. These cookware are man-made, durable, heat resistant and they can withstand extreme low and high temperature between  -58 to 428 degrees Fahrenheit or 220 Celsius (freezer and oven).

“I personally use silicone spatulas and baking mats and have experienced no ill effects. Nothing sticks to them and they are very easy to clean.” -community of chef enthusiasts (

Silicone cookware is safe, reusable and easy to clean.  Sometimes, these products can be confused with plastic since they look pretty similar. However, the main ingredient in silicone cookware is silicon and unlike carbon in plastic

In addition, high quality food grade silicone, do not affect the flavor of food or reacts with drinks. Also, it doesn’t change the odor or toxic fumes to the content it is housing.

The disadvantages of Silicone cookware are they can’t be recycled, not biodegradable and can be expensive.

However, there are controversies whether silicone is safe to use. A more dominant doubt on the safe use of silicone is in producing of cookware used for making food. This leads us to the question “Is Silicone safe for food.”

Is silicone cookware safe for food?

Are you worried about using silicone cookware for making your food? You are not alone! Back to the 1900s, choice of cookware reflects class, taste and culture. With the change in dynamics of life, there’s a shift in the choice of silicone as a reflection of luxury to a conscious choice based function and safety.

In 1979, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) confirmed silicone as safe to cooking materials. The agency conducted series of test to arrive at a conclusion.  After the test the type of silicone found food safe are called “Food-grade Silicone). They can withstand oven heat up to 260 degrees Celsius or 500 Fahrenheit. Silicone is safe. Food-grade silicone can be used for making your delicious meals. You do not have to worry about the raw materials leaching into your food.

Furthermore, whenever you want to get your cookware, it’s best to check details about food-grade coating. Also, make sure the cookware has not cut or cracks, this may expose food to leaching out of chemicals.

Is silicone safe for use in the oven?

Bakeware is used in oven are often made with  but silicone bakeware is becoming more common. However many people doubts if they can withstand high temperature inside the oven.

There is a range of temperature in the oven. We have the cool oven, very slow oven, slow oven, moderately slow, moderate oven, moderately hot, hot oven, very hot oven and fast oven.

The least oven temperature, cool oven, is 250 degrees Fahrenheit or 120 Celsius and the maximum temperature is between 450-500 degrees Fahrenheit or 230-260 Celsius. Under this temperature range, it remains stable without reacting or leaching chemicals.

Moreover, a temperature guide from Thestonesoup revealed that cooking meat requires a maximum of 100 degrees Celsius, roasting demands a maximum of 180 degrees Celsius, and for baking you need between 200- 250 degrees Celsius. It’s noteworthy that baking at 450 degrees Fahrenheit (230 Celsius) is high although chefs bake at high temperatures when they have limited time to prepare a meal.

 Additionally, modern oven indicate when the cooking or baking temperature is very high. The indication let you know when it’s time up for your silicone cookware. For instance, roasting beat and the temperature hits 300F. At this temperature you know your silicone cookware is safe. One the temperature hits 450F, it’s best to switch to another cookware. However, in the case of beaf, it doesn’t require up to 450F to get done.

Is silicone safe to use in the Microwave?

Baking and warming is made easy and safe with food-grade silicone reducing burning of food. It’s almost impossible to find a home without microwave. Microwave makes it easy to reheat and cook some foods as long as the temperatures it requires can be attained by the microwave.

There are different types of cookware that can be used in the microwave. So far silicone cookware is the best because of its flexibility to be in different shape and size. I’m addition, they fit right into the microwave limited space. Even more, it can be reused overtime making it more economical.

Despite its benefits, purchasing silicone cookware and bake ware comes with a handful of question such as can silicone be used in microwave? Yes, silicone can be used in the microwave because unlike oven, microwave doesn’t have their own temperature range. Instead, they excite the molecules present inside food and baked.

The molecules present in foods and baked include water, fats and sugar molecules. These molecules do not need extreme temperatures to be excited. To illustrate, water molecules need 100 degrees celsius to be excited (boiling points). Once the molecules are energized, the food gets warmer up.

For microwaves, the only thing to worry about is to prevent handburn. During heating the material may get heated up, so when you want to remove it from the microwave, ensure your hand is protected with a glove.

Is silicone safe for use in the Freezer?

Few years ago the release of reports stating chemicals such as BPA, BPS, PVC and Phthalates lying dormant in plastic might leach into stored food in extreme temperature conditions. The extreme temperature can be high or low.

These chemicals though have simple acronyms poses great health risk. Some of the health risk include the potential to cause cancer, immune disorder etc. The good news is silicone is a safe alternative for plastics, but how safe is it in low temperature?

Low temperatures are known to cause the contraction of materials, even glass break I’m freezers. Silicone cookware such as ice cubes, baking trays do not become brittle or crack when frozen. Aside their chemical stability, they come in different shapes and sizes which makes them fit rightly into freezers.

Final Thoughts

For simple cooking and baking processes, silicone cookware can be used in the oven. For example, roasting veggies, roasting fried chickens, baking cakes, reheating foods, roasting fish and beef lamb etc. All these cooking activities requires heat silicone cookware can withstand (maximum of 500 F).

However, when it comes to preparing pizzas and steaks, things start getting really hot. Pizza require between 600 to 1000 degree Fahrenheit to be done. Basically, silicone cannot be used to prepare any dish needing more than 500 degrees Fahrenheit.

Nowadays, modern ovens are built to reach extreme temperatures up to 1000 degrees Fahrenheit. A popular brand is the Alpha Oven These ovens are designed to cook and bake food that need high temperature.

Silicone cookware are great materials that enable you cook your favorite meal without bothering about food stains sticking to the surface of your cookware. In addition,


  1. Will silicone melt in the oven?

Generally, silicone can withstand high temperatures. To be sure, you should buy oven-safe silicone. Oven safe silicone can be identified by checking for an oven-safe symbol on packages and cookwares. Also, the maximum temperature of conventional oven is between 400F to 500F. And silicone has its limit at 500F. Silicone will not melt in oven between 0F to 500 F.

  • Do you put silicone bakeware directly in the oven Rack?

There will be no adverse effect to putting silicone bakeware directly on an oven rack. However for stability, you can use a cookie sheet. Most times it’s best to contact manufacturer on how to use your silicone cookware. Having access to information eneable you have the best use of your silicone products.

  • Can I use Silicone in a gas oven, electric oven?

The short answer is yes. Silcone can be used in all types of oven. The oven can be electric, gas oven as long as its maximum temperature is 500F, it’s best suited for silicone.

  • Does Silicone bakeware take longer to bake?

Silicone bakeware do not take longer time to bake.

  • Is food-grade silicone approved?

In 1979, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Food-grade as the only silicone type safe for contact with food without any repercussion.

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